IoT services for your business
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The temperature is rising! React now!
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Press the button. Register an event!
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Observe your shipment in real time
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Our products

Angie will meet the needs of any industry, any application, any data.

Angie Locator

Angie Monitor

Angie Presence Detection

Why choose Angie?


Simultaneous monitoring of different assets

Mobile, static objects, premises, environment, soil and many others.


User friendly interface

Easy activation of devices and services, with access via PC or mobile device.


No external power supply required

We provide devices with battery and low power consumption.

Corporate clients

Real-time monitoring

Up-to-date information for your assets


You receive instant notifications

Cost optimization

Reduce operating costs.

Asset protection

Protect from theft and damage



Certified end-devices

Complete solution

Own platform and support

Flexible business model

Pre-specified commission

Value added

New clients and a rich portfolio


Our partners

Our products

Our services and Smart solutions are Angie Locator, Angie Monitor, Angie Protect and Angie Agriculture

Angie's customers

What our customers say about us

Valeri Georgiev
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With the new innovative Angie solutions I can optimize my workflow. Now I know where my employees are and I can help them when needed.
Dimitar Dimitrov
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Some time ago, due to the lack of remote system for recording temperature and humidity in refrigerators, I lost a large part of my production. One of the air conditioners had stopped working. Just for over a night that led to loss of the goods inside. With Angie Monitor I now monitor the condition of my refrigeration and storage rooms remotely and at any time.
Kremena Ivanova
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I was expecting a complex platform that would make it difficult for my employees, but in fact Angie is an extremely easy to use and intuitive platform that has the necessary menus, reports and easy ways to set it up.
Mark Tsekov
Mark Tsekov
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Thanks to Angie IoT, Jablena's technologists can monitor the temperature and humidity of different levels in our warehouses. We see the amount of moisture which is released from the fruit during their so-called "breathing", by observing the humidity at different levels we can operate with Bio turbo, to maintain all parameters in the norm. Thanks to Angie IoT monitoring at these levels now it is a much easier process and production can keep up to 9 months without change in quality and.

Why we offer
the best product
on the market?

Angie Smart is multipurpose  IoT platform with variety of applications. The solution for location and tracking is just one of many. We also measure temperature and humidity in air and soil. We are going to surprise you with more new measurements and their applications.
All applications can be used for both mobile and stationary objects with a broad use cases on the business of various industries. These can be field teams, farm animals, vehicles, machinery, and their various conditions.
Soil and environmental parameters can be measured with Angie. The collected data is visualized on an user friendly interface, which you open with one click on your phone or tablet, and why not your laptop!

Order Angie

Let us know what is your application and we will contact you within 24 hours to clarify the details.